Monday, September 25, 2006

Amber's Autumn Herbal Ideas

Herbs are used in many ways for many different things. Amber, one of Enchanted Valley's Intuitive Readers suggests using Cinnamon, Sage, and Clove for Autumnal needs. She tells us that Cinnamon brings power to any works of magic you do. Aside from the delicious smell, when burned it brings prosperity, empowers spellwork, psychic abilities, healing abilities and raises high spiritual vibrations.
Sage is used for cleansing and clearing negative energies, which is a good practice during the season change. It's purifying properties helps to break up all the negative and opens the doorways to a more spiritual plane. Sage is also good to use in Fall Holiday cooking. Clove helps to bring in money, clarity and cleansing.
As you can already tell, these herbs all have basically the same the same uses. Cleansing, clearing and abundance. You use these herbs at Autumn Equinox to harvest the growth that we need spiritually leaving behind the clutter and built up negativity you have accumulated over the past months, so that you can transcend into the winter months which are used to rest, heal and prepare for the new birth of Spring. Just as the animals harvest and store the things from the Summer bounty, that they need for their body at a time of rest and renewal. Fall is a time of evaluation and reflection followed by Winter, a time for closure, resting, accepting and gaining your strength for what you want to bring in the Spring.

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